Would there be freedom if there was no slavery?
Slavery is very easy to define when it is introduced straightforwardly in its brutal, violent and obvious version, but there are many other subtle and deceptive ways to introduce slavery and most of them, are self-imposed.
We easily forget that we cling to an image of ourselves which separates us from the rest of existence - We have a family, a home, achievements, all gained by hard work and great skills...
in that image, we are scared and need security. We are in a constant fear of losing our uniqueness and this makes us bring up even more complex conflicts. We are scared to lose our jobs, our income, our home, our beloved, ourselves and so we struggle to achieve and evolve, struggle to be stronger and better, only to find out that we build a prison, inviting more and more different forms of enslavement upon ourselves.
So now we are totaly entangled in this pile of fears and oppressors and here is when the concept of freedom is formed and we dive into a misleading journey trying to achieve it. It is misleading because the search and the expected achievement are more of the same deceptive forms of imprisonment mentioned above.
What is the way out of this paradox? No one can tell you, you should find out for yourself because only you know your own oppressors.
"When you find out why you are insecure, you are already secure"(J. Krishnamurti). Know yourself, be honest with yourself, accept yourself, love yourself, (as my wife says:) hug yourself, understand and know your oppressors and by that, the way out is already paved.
This post was inspired by my teacher Beduino-thanks for the inspiration and perspective and by the great teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti bringing clarity into large complexities.
I really need to say that as for myself, I understand very well what I have written but nontheless I am aware that I am still trapped in that same paradox (this blog for example). very frustrating...
Photo by: Daniel West
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