

Be sincere, at least inside your own head.

I try to use a positive terminology in my thoughts. I believe "positive thinking" manifests good situations for myself and helps me to overcome harder situations.
Using negative terminology, on the other hand, puts the subject you are trying to avoid in your main focus and thus manifests it.
When focusing on using a positive terminology, I often find out that I am using non-negative terminology instead of positive - "I hope I don't get lost" instead of "I hope to find the way", it even happens that I can't find the positive term for a non-negative term I've just used. Using non-negativity is the same as using negativity - the focus is on the subject we are trying to avoid and we are passive, unable to stop the "dissaster" from coming. Using positive terminology, on the other hand, puts us in an active position where we decide the outcome of the upcoming events.

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